Dear Swami’s,
Instructions on what Swamis should do before they leave their house for the Katunera and what they should bring for the Irumudi:
- Swamis who have their old irumudi & mudra bags and can use it, so please bring it with you for the Katunera We have limited New irumudi/mudra bags with us for all the new Swamis. Old irumudi/mudra bags should be washed and dried before bringing them.
- Get a fistful of rice and Thur dal and a couple of pieces of jaggery in separate ziploc bags. Rice is mandatory. Thur dal and jaggery are optional. Do not mix rice and dal as the temple will not accept them if mixed.
- The rest of the items needed for the irumudi will be provided by us.
- Traditionally, we break coconut before leaving the house and head towards temple, without seeing the house after breaking the coconut. Here breaking the coconut is not followed due to some community restrictions and other factors. Instead, perform regular pooja at home, show Karpoora (Camphor) Aarthi to Ayyappa and show the same Aarthi in front of your main door and leave the house, without seeing back.
Katunera day instructions:
- Katunera starts on Dec 25th at 8am sharp with a small puja immediately followed by Kanni kattu. Location is Banquet Hall at Bridgewater temple – next to the auditorium (same place as the Dec 21st Shasthapreethi).
- You should have got a call from Ilamparithi swami or someone from his team about your Katunera timing. If you don’t yet know when your assigned time is, please call Ilamparithi swami at 908 528 4526 immediately.
- It is recommended that all swamis are in empty stomach till their Katunera is completed. Exceptions allowed for children and adults with health-related issues and dietary restrictions.
- You will be able to park the car overnight at the temple in the parking lot of the old community center (renovated Vidhyalaya building). Keep your license plate number handy as you will need it to register for over-night parking at the Katunera front desk in the Banquet hall.
- Try to come 15 minutes before allotted time to allow for registration at Katunera front desk to collect irumudi name tags, bus wrist bands, give your car information for overnight parking and other general information. If you have not yet paid please do so immediately via Zelle to Amount to be paid is $200 for swamis carrying irumudi (one mudra cost included, but please add $10 for extra mudras) and $110 for Yatra only swamis.
- The Guruswamis are fasting till all their irumudis are done so if you can come earlier than your assigned time please do so as this will help us immensely. There will be enough Guruswamis waiting. Instead of waiting at home you can come and help us as we have 100+ irumudis and 100+ mudra coconuts to be filled.
- Please do not wait for one particular Guruswami, every Guruswami is the same to get your Kattu done.
If you have any specific question regarding the Yaatra please send an email to –
To view Yaatra Guidelines go to Yaatra Guidelines